How to manage my own job career? What my I do for my job career development? Is it good idea to stay on contemporary job position? Should I leave my job and should I change my employer? What kinds of training courses are good for my future job career?
For your career development is very important to provide audit of contemporary career situation. We are talking about two steps of job career audit:
1. What was my career plans before my accession to job position?
2. What is my job career situation?
What was my previous job career plans before I started my job way?
To compare my previous career plans and contemporary situation is important for future job career situation. It is required to answer to next questions:
1. Did you achieve you career all goals or not?
2. What did you achieve particularly?
3. What did you not achieve in your job career?
4. What are the reasons for achievements and for bad successes?
Your answers for this job career questions must be honest, realistic and very detailed. Very detailed view to you contemporary job career needs sufficiency of time for rethinking. After job career audit you can go to next step: Next job career planning.
Job career audit provided you detailed analysis of your successes and not successes. You have good information about your strong points and weak points. And it is the start point for career planning. We can talk more about this problem, but only two answers are basic and cardinal. Answers to two questions:
1. What do I want to achieve in my job career? (What are my goals for my career?)
2. How will I achieve my career goals?
Definition of job career goals must be providing realistically but not with undue modesty. You must define job position, competency, powers, number of subordinates, employer and payment too.
Now we have defined What you want to achieve in your next career. And the second step is concretizing answer to: How will you achieve your career plan? Now you must rethink about all aspects and details to achieve career goals. What will you have to provide or change?
Now you are on start point of your next career management. It is not on-time process. Job career management is permanent process. It is important once a three months to compare your plans for achievement career goals and adapt your career actions.
Your jobcareer is in your control.
Article Field: General Job Search Information
Author: Acesta
Article Career Management Views: 17911
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Career tips and information. How to manage own job career, career help.