Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Curriculum vitae is indispensable document when you looking for new job. Content and graphic design of CV shows a lot of information about applicant for job. For that reason we must make CV very carefully.

Electronic format of CV

Curriculum vitae should be creating in electronic format. Electronic CV it is possible to print and to send by postal service and we can send resume by e-mail).

The most suitable formats for electronic curriculum vitae are .PDF, .DOC or .RTF. To create and edit CV you can use for example, Microsoft Word. If you can compose resume online, you can use Google service Docs & Spreadsheet.

Structured Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae should have structured format. What does it mean Structured Resume? Structured CV mean, that you did not use sentences:

  • My name is?.,
  • I was born?.
  • I lived?,
  • I started to work?

Curriculum Vitae Structure

In structured curriculum it is necessary to put information only as keynotes

  • Name: Petr Novak
  • Date of birth: 1.1.1900 etc.

Curriculum Vitae What Shouldn't Miss

What information should curriculum vitae contain? Information should be to divide into few logical groups.

Curriculum Vitae First Part

The first part of Curriculum Vitae is personal information (name, date of birth, address, phone number (mobile), e-mail, possibly number of children).

Curriculum Vitae Second Part

The second group of information is education and courses (I recommend to write education chronologically downwardly or ascending first and than courses and trainings, which are importing for work position, that candidate want to get.

Curriculum Vitae Third Group Information

The third group is practices, work experiences in chronologically sequence, name of firm, from-to, position and jobsheet (5-10 words).

Curriculum Vitae Last Part

The fourth group is next information about knowledge of languages, work with PC, driving licence, possibly hobby and interest.

Graphic Design of Curriculum Vitae

Graphic design of curriculum vitae must support its understandability. We don't recommend using many colours and other effect (only when you want to get position of graphic designer or creative person).

Article Field: General Job Search Information

Author: Acesta

Article Curriculum Vitae Views: 73801

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Curriculum Vitae - Resume

All information about Curriculum Vitae (Resume), Tips for writing Curriculum Vitae, samples of Resume and CV.

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