Information about Potential Employer

Information about Potential Employer

Information and job search

Did you see interesting recruitment advertisement and you want to know more information about company, which is offering this job? Are you invited to job interview and do you want to prepare conscientiously to job interview with recruiter? Applicant for marketing positions is look out information about marketing strategy, advertising campaigns, market share and others marketing information.

How to find out information about employer?

There are a lot of information sources. And there is different information, which applicant needs to prepare to job interview. Applicant for position financial manager needs information about financial situation of potential employer. If you want to work as human resource manager you need human resource information - employer turnover, wages and motivation system, number of employees, HR strategy. Each job position requires various information. What kind of information sources can applicant for job use?

External sources of information about employer

External sources of information about potential employer are all public sources. External sources information is:

  • Daily press
  • Technical paper
  • Publicity and promotional matter of company
  • Activities of potential employer (advertising in TV or in press, internet advertising, etc.)
  • Economic chambers
  • Professional organization
  • Trade catalogues
  • Trade registers
  • Trade bulletin
  • Potential employer internet pages
  • Other internet media

Internal sources of information about employer

It is very useful if you can obtain information inside the company, where you are looking for job. Internal sources are information, which you get from employer and do not get from matter (materials), which do not point out to communicate with around of company (see above external information). This is information from employees of company, who can get other view of it, more detailed information and objective view of company.

Employee can describe situation in company perhaps most exactly, pros and cones of work in company. It is up to effort and sometimes maybe galls what Job applicant chooses. Sometimes you may call to personal department or public relations and you can call for desiderative information. Elsewhere is possible to choose dupery and job candidate can act like business partner and the like. Although in case of dupery is a point about sensitive question, mostly personnel managers feel it rather like positive - like evidence of ability of job candidate and show their interest of position and company.

Article Field: General Job Search Information

Author: Acesta

Article Information about Potential Employer Views: 25641

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