We can find a lot of factors with direct and indirect influence for career and career development. We can enumerate most demanding factors affecting job career:
Employee's personality and motivation is necessary prerequisite for working on certain job positions. Personality of employee and superior ideas about personality profile for concrete job is one of key factor with the direct affect to career development.
For typical example we can use job positions in management level. The employee could be the great specialist, but the same person can be very bad boss or manager.
Adequate education, completed courses and training programs are one of basic factor with direct influence for career and for promotion in organizational structure.
In some companies it is very difficult for employee without university degree to decide achieve advancement to major work and employee with university degree has obvious advantage career development.
The behavior and the superior view of employee is sometimes more important than job performance.
Employ must consider the career goals and for these goals and for proposed job position must modify self-presentation and behavior in company.
Job performance and result attained at word should be one of the key factors with influence for career and for advancement in within organizational structure.
But in company games they are not only job performance a work results as factor affecting career development. Equally important and many times more important is the superior view and evaluations of job performance. And superiors decide about career progress of their subordinates.
Performed job position must be in accordance with career goals. If employee wants to build specialist career in research area, he must find adequate job place in adequate company, which allow him correct job and career development.
Situation at company has significant influence for employee career. The employee can have all prerequisites and assumptions for promotion, but situation at company does not allow career development. Reasons for these conditions could be different, for examples: well-qualified and well-evaluated persons on required job positions or economic situations of company or market. In these states of affair is almost impossible to reach of promotion.
Sometimes it is necessary to change job position, department or employers for promotion or job career development. In the event that employer does not allow career progress, employee has only one option- to search new job and change employer.
Article Field: General Job Search Information
Author: Acesta job.info
Article Factors Affecting Career and Career Development Views: 97508
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