Cover Letter Sample Mobile Device Support Specialist, Technician

Cover Letter Sample Mobile Device Support Specialist, Technician

Mobile Device Support Technician, Specialist - Cover Letter Sample Beginning

Frank Mobile
MDM Support Department
Branco Bank, Ltd.
N. Tesla Street 2013-010

Applications for Job Mobile Device Support Specialist

Dear Mr. Mobile,

I would like to apply for job position Mobile Device Support Specialist posted by your company on job portal this week.

I can offer specialized education and wide experiences from mobile device support, especially as first level support member. I meets all your demands published in your job ads.

Last seven years I was working on different job position in smart devices users support. I have knowledge and rich experiences in common operation systems for mobile devices - Apple iOS, Google Android and Microsoft Windows Phone (Windows 10). And I have not only knowledge of this OS, I have deep experiences with users problems solving, communications with users and solving of infrastructure problems (including APN, VPN, Wi-FI, AD, Exchange server). Last 3 years I worked in MobileIron MDM system environment. I got requisites knowledge of HP Service Manager from last job experience, where we implemented and intensively used this SW.

I received a lot of certificates from mobile devices support area that demonstrate my skills and professional orientation in the field.

Concrete information about my professional experiences, job history, certification and training are attached in my CV.

With regards,

Blanche MD Specialist

Blanche MD Specialist
Date of Birth: 1-st October 1982
Email: blanche-md-support@mdm-spec-tech . Com
Phone: 458545854585
Address: Android Avenue 2015/6, London

Attachment: CV (Resume) Example Mobile Device Support Technician, Specialist

Mobile Device Support Specialist Cover Letter Sample End

Job Description

Article Field: Information Technology and Telecommunication


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