Job Interview

Job Interview

Typical Job Interview

Job interview is beginning when applicant for job is coming to potential employer. Sometimes applicant waits for job interview in office, where is working employee, for example secretary of recruiter. Applicant's behaviour during waiting for interview is evaluating.

Job Interview Introduction

Recruiter introduces himself and other employer's members of interview and explains purpose of interview, describe shortly company a job position. After brief introduction the most importing part of job interview is set of question. Interview questions should show qualities, strong and weak points and other characteristics of applicant for job.

Interview structure

Interview is divides into following groups of question. Sequence of question isn't always same.

Education and languages - interview group questions

Questions are focused on education of applicant and its activities during studies. Logically this part is more vehement on graduates than on other applicants with wide job experiences.

Work experience - interview group questions

Work experience questions are focused to present career experience and practices. Questions should show range of knowledge, practical job experience and sometimes even communication, which are importing for doing this job.

Reasons to change a job - interview group questions

Questions in this part of job interview are focused to loyalty of applicant. Recruiter wants to find reasons why applicant left previous job position. Answers are often contrasted with references from previous employers.

Career future and motivation - interview group questions

Potential employer is interested in ambitions of applicant for job, its ides about future career progress. Employers need to look for the most suitable applicant for job, not applicant for job, who fulfils all requirements but its qualification, practices or ambition predestined for achievement of other (higher) position and this position would be only "fall-back".

Applicant's success, non-success, weak and strong points

Controversial theme of discussions about method of job interview is range of questions concentred to weak and strong point. Still better this range of theme is often part of interview and in this case it is chance for prepared applicant. Applicant can excel very well. Even when applicant for job speaks about its weak point. In this case it is recommended choosing weak point, which isn't really weak point but advantage. Only really naive or truthful applicant for job says the entire true.

Logical Task

Logical task it could not be always part of job interview. Recruiters prepare logical task sometimes. Purpose of logical task could not be only test logical thinking, but the way resolution of task (when applicant for job apply for paper and pencil, its process is synthetic or analytic) and stress immunity (mostly applicant for job do not expect logical task and its reactions show us about applicant for job many more than a lot of question before).

Applicant's interest, hobby

Recruiters want to know, what spare-time activities of applicant for job are. Recruiters are asking for interest and hobbies. Interest and hobby can help to applicant for job. So far as applicant for job presents hobby, which is harmonize with presupposition for doing work position and for team work (for example individual or groups sport).

Completive interview questions

Provided recruiter progress accordance with schema or sequence of questions, in the end of selective interview the time is for questions to complete data, which candidate introduce precedent interview.

Applicant interview questions

When applicant answered all questions of recruiters, has occasion to put own questions. Questions should be converge to company, to fill information, which applicant for job found about firm or about work position before coming to interview.

End of interview

Recruiter should formally finish job interview and say to applicant for job when and how way resolution will be announced.

Article Field: General Job Search Information

Author: Acesta

Article Job Interview Views: 45830

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Job Interview

All information about Job Interviews. Interview questions, struture, right answers, tip for applicant and interview.

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