Curriculum Vitae and Background Color

Curriculum Vitae and Background Color

Curriculum Vitae background color or color of printed CV is important part of Resume design as well as type, size, thickness of used fonts, page layout or using bullets in the text.

White - standard color for Curriculum Vitae background

Standard color for CV writing is white color. If you are going to go against this standard, it is necessary to take into account that other color can bring a problem:

It is undeniable that you have a professional resume that describes your personality and color taste. On the other hand, Curriculum Vitae were created for only job seeking purpose. Your CV is written and designed for recruiters, for HR professionals and for managers with recruiting competencies, not for you. The change of standard background color can cause disadvantage and problems with reading or printing your Curriculum Vitae.

The disadvantage can turn in advantage. When an enormous quantity of other candidate's resumes, the unusual design can be attractive for interviewer, that can dedicate more attention to your Curriculum Vitae and this might increase your chances for invitation to job interview.

Experiments and nontraditional solutions in design of professional CV, however, are the prerogative of job positions where employer expected creativity and extravagance.

Printed professional CV and paper color

Printed Curriculum Vitae you are sending to potential employer by post. This choice provides to you more options in color selection and the paper quality of Resume. However, you need to keep in mind that the most important is the readability and clarity of the CV and after effect of its colored background.

Electronic form of Curriculum Vitae and background color

If you are sending a professional resume to a potential employer or a recruitment agency by email or through a web form, it is necessary to take the background color of the important fact: Electronic resume can be read on computer screen or printed on printer. In both cases, the absolute priority is to resume clearly readable.

Different Examples of CV Background

For easy comparison of different background colors you can use the following link CV (Resume) Background Color Examples.

Curriculum Vitae (Resume) design

Information about the design and layout of resumes can provide you the following articles:

Article Field: General Job Search Information

Author: Acesta

Article Curriculum Vitae and Background Color Views: 17014

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Curriculum Vitae - Resume

All information about Curriculum Vitae (Resume), Tips for writing Curriculum Vitae, samples of Resume and CV.

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