Could you give me an advice how should I choose job offers on personnel servers? Which one is good for me? Sometimes I have the feeling that some concrete position is fitting for me - it meets all my job images but the company has got different requirements from mine job experience or I meet their requirements but this job position does not like me too much.
Right orientation on personnel servers and daily press is relatively complicated. It calls for more experience and practice - which enable you to appropriate judge every particular job offer.
Basic candidates precondition for orientating in job offers and labour market is his/her own motivation. Candidate needs to realize his/her situation and set down parameters his/her future employment:
This question help candidate draw up his/her job position preference. Because of this he/she could easier sort the offers and choose the best one of them.
If candidate answer to the advertisement which:
it is probable he/she will be interesting candidate for the company and could be invite at job interview.
Thats why candidate should answer only on the job positions they are attractive for him/her (content of work, job salary, coworker team, type of company) and at which position he/she could meet employers requirements.
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Job search information, tips, advice. Orientation on job market.