Post CV, Resume on Job Server

Post CV, Resume on Job Server

Principles of Posting Resume, CV on Internet Job Server

Do you find safe to post your Curriculum Vitae (Resume) on the internet job server? Could you give me some piece of advice how can I avoid of dealers, insurance agents, brokers and cheaters?

In this time is CV on job server common fact of life. Inserting personal details on the internet job servers are generally safe. Except this is useful keep some rules for presentation of your personal details and details of your job career on the web. Than this information can not be misuse.

One of the internet labor market problems is very aggressive recruitment of some insurance, reality, dealers and broker companies. If you indicate your contact (mobile phone, email) - here is not any chance how you can prevent offering job of these companies.

Rules for Registration CV on Job Server

  • Do not use your real name - use nickname.
  • Do not put your common email (which you use for communication with friends and family) - make your contact email only special for finding job purposes
  • Do not put your mobile phone number - only way to contact you must be your email address.
  • Do not put your address - put only town or region where you live.
  • Do not mention your job experience in detail - remark you could send your complete detailed CV.
  • If you Do not want to receive any offers from insurance, broker and other companies - you will put this information in the comment.

Article Field: General Job Search Information


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