Insurance Agent, Insurance Broker, Insurance Advisor Curriculum Vitae Resume Example

Insurance Agent, Insurance Broker, Insurance Advisor Curriculum Vitae Resume Example

Curriculum Vitae (Resume) Example Insurance Agent, Insurance Broker, Insurance Advisor

Insurance Agent, Insurance Broker, Insurance Advisor

Curriculum Vitae Example

Personal information:

Name: Matthew Insurance Agent
Birth: 29 September 1983
Email: matthew @ insuranceagen t .c o m
Phone number: 111-222-333-777
Address: 100/100 Secure Street, Zurich, Switzerland


1998 - 2002
Inter-Community School, Zurich, Switzerland
Leaving exam: German, French, Economy, Accountancy

2002 - 2004
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Faculty of Economics
Bachelors degree
Branch of study: Economy and Management

Work Experiences:

2010 - Today
ACE Limited, Zurich, Switzerland
global leader in insurance and reinsurance serving a diverse group of clients

Job position: Specialist of insurance selling

(Job description: Life Insurance products offering, dealing with clients, long-term contracts making, supervising of small insurance consultants group, administration )

2008 - 2010
AXA Winterthur, Zurich, Switzerland
international insurance company

Job position: Insurance broker

(Job description:looking for and addressing new clients interested in insurance (primarily Property Insurance), providing of comprehensive consulting services, keeping and developing relations with key customers)

2007 - 2008
Swiss Life, Zurich, Switzerland
offers a wide range of life insurance and pension products to private individuals and companies

Job Position: Financial and Insurance Consultant

(Job description: first rate consulting in the area of finance and insurance, new clients active addressing, insurance and service products offering (meeting specific requirements of every client), contracts concluding, long-term clients services )

2005 - 2007
Top Consultant Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland
high-quality financial consulting in the area of investments, insurance, saving and credits

Job position: Financial Consultant

(Job description: professional financial consulting, clients financial possibilities analyzing, appropriate financial products selecting (mortgage, insurance, loan) - financial plan creating, actual debts refinancing, long-term customer care )
2002 - 2005

2002 - 2005
OVB Allfinanz, PLC, Zurich, Switzerland
subsidiary company of German OVB Holding AG (investments, insurance, saving, credit and mortgage)

Job position: Financial Consultant (own trade license)

(Job description: financial and insurance consulting, looking for new business opportunities, own clients portfolio creating, clients services)


Insurance Agent and Insured Event Assessor Certificate
Insurance Professional Certificate
Code of Ethics for Insurance


Life Insurance
Accident Insurance
Car Insurance
Property Insurance
Travel Insurance
Insurance of Responsibility
Household Insurance
Business Insurance
Athletes and Sporting Events Insurance
Celebrities Insurance
Communication Skills in the Insurance Industry

Foreign Languages Knowledge:

English, French - fluent
German - natural

Additional Skills and Abilities

Driving License


Image, Sport, Career

Insurance Agent, Insurance Broker, Insurance Advisor Curriculum Vitae Example End

Insurance Agent, Insurance Broker, Insurance Advisor Cover Letter Sample

Job Description

Article Field: Finance, Economics, Banking, Insurance


Article Insurance Agent, Insurance Broker, Insurance Advisor Curriculum Vitae Resume Example Views: 15518

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