Pharmacist Curriculum Vitae Resume Example

Pharmacist Curriculum Vitae Resume Example

Curriculum Vitae (Resume) Example Pharmacist


Curriculum Vitae Example

Personal information:

Name: Hannah Pharmacist
Birth: 22 September 1975
Phone number: 111 222 333 777
Address: 111 Meserole Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11222


1990 - 1994
John F. Kennedy High School, Brooklyn, NY
Graduation: English, Spanish, Biology, Chemistry

1994 - 2000
New York University School of Medicine, New York
Field of study: Pharmacology
Academic Degree: M.Sc.
Skills: Theoretical and practical knowledge about medicaments and curatives, pharmaceutical technology, evaluation of medicaments and curatives (physical, chemical, biological etc.), studying effects of medicaments and curatives on human organism, medicaments and curatives using rules, principles of pharmaceutical practice and others.

2004 - 2009
New York University School of Medicine, New York
Postgraduate study
Academic Degree: Ph.D.
Field of study: Social Pharmacy
Skills: Necessity and usage of medicaments and curatives in current society, pharm-economy, juridical problems, medicaments abusing, system of public health service, pharmacy departments organization and leading and others.

Job Experiences:

2008 - Today
CVS/Pharmacy Store, Queens, NY
Job position: Pharmacist - Head of Pharmacy Store

Job position: Pharmacist - Head of Pharmacy Store

(Job description: Total store operation responsibility, pharmacy employees leading and supervising, economy and administrative activities.)

2005 - 2007
Hannah Pharmacist, Ph.D. - Queens Pharmacy, Queens, NY
Foundation and operating of own Pharmacy store

Job position: Head of Pharmacy

(Job description: Responsibility for pharmacy operation, medicaments and curatives manipulation (ordering, storing, taking them off the selling), documentation, market analysis making, employees leading. )

2004 - 2005
Group Health Inc., Manhattan, New York
Development, production and sale of pharmaceutical products

Job Position: Laboratory Worker

(Job description: some work in developmental laboratory, cooperation with technologists, documentation, machines preparation and service, laboratory operation monitoring )

2003 - 2004
24-hour Pharmacies in Manhattan, Manhattan, New York

Job position: Pharmacist

(Job description: Medicaments and curatives manipulation, drug dispensing and selling, medicaments ordering cooperating, negotiations with pharmacy companies.)

2000 - 2003
Walgreens Store, Brooklyn, New York

Job position: Pharmacist

(Job description: Medicaments and curatives preparation, drug dispensing (on prescription), medicaments and curatives selling (without prescription), medicaments using explanation (how they can have some effects on human organism), medicaments supply control.)

1998 - 2000
Walgreens Store, Brooklyn, New York

Job position: Pharmacist assistant

(Job description: Medicaments and curatives preparation sharing (laboratory work), drug dispensing (on prescription), medicaments and curatives selling (without prescription), assistance work etc. )


Public Contracts in Health Service
Pharmacy Market
Effective Leading of Pharmacy Laboratories
Pharmacy Marketing
Juridical aspects in Pharmacy
Courses managed with important pharmaceutical corporations (for example: Independent Pharmacy Buying Group, Medical Group Pharmacy, China BCT Pharmacy Group Inc. etc.)

Foreign Languages Knowledge:

Spanish - fluent

Additional Skills and Abilities

Driving Licence
PC Computing


Amateur photograph, corresponding with friends, handcrafting, sunbathing, gardening etc.

Pharmacist (Resume) Curriculum Vitae Example End

Pharmacist Cover Letter Sample

Article Field: Health and Pharmacy


Article Pharmacist Curriculum Vitae Resume Example Views: 29799

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