Europass is all-Europe project directed to standardized system of presentation documents about educations a work experiences. Europass was founded legislatively by European Parliament (2241/2004). Europass project does not set up new "worthless", "clerical" "European" certification, Europass only sets up standards for document which is making easy education and work mobility in European union and others countries (for example Switzerland).
1. Europass CV - standards for CV writing
2. Europass Language Passport - knowledge of foreign languages
3. Europass Mobility - fellowship, scholarships, students stays, trainings
4. Europass Diploma Supplement - clarification of university study content
5. Europass Certificate Supplement - clarification of secondary school study content
Europass is a structured and standardized template of curriculum vitae. This CV template is possible to download in all languages of EU countries in MS Office or OpenOffice format. And Europass project allowed creating Europass CV online on internet pages in different formats (.pdf, .doc, .html, .xml).
Europass CV is structured as most of recommended templates for curriculum vitae. There are the next sections:
1. Personal information
2. Desired employment / Occupational field
3. Work experience
4. Education and training
5. Personal skills and competences
6. Language
7. Additional information / Annexes
It should be noted that each section has numbers of items. The applicant for job has the right to decide which items wants to fill and which items of CV does not want to fill. For example, in section Personal Information applicant can choose include items as Gender, Age, Nationality and others.
It is required to not change the font size and names of individual items in left column.
Europass curriculum vitae establish evaluation of foreign languages knowledge in six levels (A1, A2 - Basic user, B1, B2 - Independent user, C1, C2 - Proficient user) in a relatively large number of categories - Listening, Reading, Spoken interaction, Spoken production and Writing.
When you are writing your CV, once you have the option to select only certain categories of language knowledge.
Europass provides a relatively large flexibility to create CV. Applicant is able to write all information and the same information to Europass CV similarly to CV created in text editor without the template.
Europass curriculum vitae example you can see here - Europass CV Sample Programmer
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