Curriculum Vitae (Resume) Example Mobile Application iOS Developer, Programmer

Curriculum Vitae (Resume) Example Mobile Application iOS Developer, Programmer

Curriculum Vitae (Resume) Example Mobile Application iOS Developer, Programmer

Mobile Application iOS Developer, Programmer

Curriculum Vitae Example

Personal data:

Name: Steve iOS Developer
Birth: 2-nd November 1987
Email: ios-mobile-developer-app@apple - ios- mobile - arp . Com
Phone number: 1111 2222 4444 1111
Address: Apple Street 2013, Denver


2010 - today
iOS University
iOS programming and applications developments
pad, iPhone, iPod specifications and differences

2005 - 2008
Colorado University
SW Development and Programming Faculty
Thesis: The Visions of Mobile Application Development
Nokia Mobile Developer Talent 2006 - Winner

2001 - 2005
Denver SW Programming School
SW Development (Java, C++, C, SmallTalk)

Job Experiences:

2012 - today
Mobile Applications for Apple Products, ltd.
New York
Office applications for iPad and iPhone platform

iOS Developer

(data store and sales interfaces on iOS applications)
Cocoa Touch, Message UI Framework, Address Book UI Framework, Event Kit UI Framework

2011 - 2012
Mobile for Publishers
San Francisco
Interfaces for mobile devices in publishing business

iOS Software Engineer / Developer for Apple Devices

(iTunes applications for newspaper publishers)
Core Text, Image I/O, Core Graphics (Quartz), Core Animation

2009 - 2010
Bears Developers, ltd.
San Diego
IS and SW development

iOS Programmer /Mobile Devices Developer

(mobile games for iPhone)
iOS media layer, Core Media, Store Kit, Game Kit Framework

2007 - 2009
WfU - Webs For Users
Users friendly www pages development

PHP and Java Developer

(Java, PHP programming)
W3C Standards in Java and PHP web servers applications

2005 - 2007
Data Ware House, ltd.
IS development

Tester, C Programmer

(temporary job, programming and sw testing)

Courses and Trainings:

iOS programming I, II, III
MAX OS X for Developers
App Store for Programmers
Mobile Games Programming
Multimedia for iOS
Cocoa Touch Frameworks
iOS Core OS Frameworks
iOS Multimedia Programming
Game Kit Framework for Professionals
Android and iOS Applications Development
iOS and SQL Technologies
W3C and WWW Standards

Apple and iOS Knowledge:

iOS - Core OS - Accelerate, External Accessory and Security Framework
iOS - Cocoa Touch - Message UI, Map Kit, Game Kit, iAd,Event Kit UI and Address Book UI Framework
MAC OS X, App Store

Languages Knowledge:

English - native
Spain - passive

Skills and Abilities

Game Mobile Developer certificate
App Store Developer certificate


Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Apple History
Cycling and Olympic Triathlon
RC Airplanes

iOS Applications Engineer / Mobile Devices Developer (Resume) Curriculum Vitae Example End

iOS Applications Engineer / Mobile Devices Developer Cover Letter Sample

Job Description

Article Field: Information Technology and Telecommunication


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