Mobile Application iOS Developer, Programmer Cover Letter Sample

Mobile Application iOS Developer, Programmer Cover Letter Sample

Mobile Application iOS Developer, Programmer - Cover Letter Sample Beginning

Karl Von Gutenberg
iOS Applications Team Manager
iOS and MAC Applications and Systems, Ltd.
Steve Jobs' Street 2013 - 11

Applications for Mobile Applications Programmer, iOS Developer Job Position

Dear Mr. Gutenberg,

I would like to respond to job offer Mobile Application iOS Developer for your company, posted yesterday on job server.

I have wide experiences in software and applications development for Apple mobile devices, especially for iPhones. During my professional career I developed different applications for iOS platform from mobile games and entertainment through multimedia and newspapers publishers applications to corporate applications for collaborations with data warehouses.

I am certified iOS Developer Professional, Game Mobile Developer and App Store Developer. I have professional knowledge of development in most of iOS Framework in all iOS layers (Cocoa Touch, Media, Core Services and Core OS).

For more information about my professional experiences and mx iOS knowledge see my structured curriculum via in attachment

Best regards,

Steve iOS Developer

Steve iOS Developer
Address: Apple Street 2013, Denver
Email: ios-mobile-developer-app@apple - ios- mobile - arp . Com
Phone: 1111 2222 4444 1111

Attachment: CV (Resume) Example Mobile Application iOS Developer, Programmer

Mobile Application iOS Developer, ProgrammerCover Letter Sample End

Job Description

Article Field: Information Technology and Telecommunication


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