Cover Letter Sample Software Developer / Engineer (C# / C++)

Cover Letter Sample Software Developer / Engineer (C# / C++)

Software Developer / Engineer (C# / C++) - Cover Letter Sample Beginning

Mgr. John McCounter
Director of Application Development and Software
National OJSC Programming
Bill Gates' Avenue 11

Reaction to Job Offer Programmer - Software Engineer C # and the Microsoft Platform

Dear Mr. McCounter,

I am applying for job offer Programmer - Software Engineer C # and the Microsoft platform, published during this week on the job server

I am convinced that I am a good candidate to job position Programmer - SW Engineer. I have been working on job positions programmer, developer and software engineer since 1998 in. I have experiences in development of information systems and development of applications and software for various purposes, including applications to work with desktop workstations and servers to mobile devices.

Cooperation with retail chains and sales goods via retailers is most appropriate way of my work. For the successful implementation in key account management, I graduated on University of Chicago, defended my thesis Business Strategy for Long-term Cooperation with Retail Chains and I was awarded an MBA. I have attended the courses focused on negotiation, sales tactics and business strategies too.

I am improving my knowledge in the field of programming and application development by studying and completing appropriate training courses. I graduated the engineering program at the University of Unicorn focused on object-oriented programming and programming languages C #, C + + and JAVA. I studied courses focused on platform for training companies certified by Microsoft. Selected courses are listed in the attached CV and complete list can be sent on request.

I see the possibility to work in your company as opportunity to deepening my knowledge and contribute to development of promising software.

I hope that you will evaluate my CV positively and I will have the opportunity to present myself in the next round of the selection process in your company.

Best regards,

Malcolm Software Developer

Malcolm Software Developer
Email: Malcolm - developer-sw@h o t m a i l. i n f o
Phone: 12345 12345 12345
Microsoft Avenue 1, Palo Alto

Attachment: CV (Resume) Example Software Developer / Engineer (C# / C++)

Software Developer / Engineer (C# / C++) Cover Letter Sample End

Job Description

Article Field: Information Technology and Telecommunication


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