Cover Letter Sample Preschool Teacher

Cover Letter Sample Preschool Teacher

Preschool Teacher - Cover Letter Sample Beginning

Bonifac Schoolmaster
Schoolmaster of Primary school Hauptschule Berlin, Berlin
Belinstrasse 8

Application for job position Teacher at Primary school

Dear Mr. Schoolmaster,

In the latest edition of Teacher's newspaper I could see an advertisement of your primary school. This advertisement took me up. It offers free teacher's position in your school. I would like to evince my serious interest in this position.

Whole my professional life I consecrated to work with children ? children of different ages. I finished one's studies at Pedagogical High school, after this I continued my studies at Humboldt University in Berlin. The branch of my study was teaching for lower grade of primary school. I am able to teach not only at nursery school but at primary school too.

During the last 12 years I was moving equally among both of the education institute types. First of all it was at primary school after this at grammar school. After finishing my maternity leaving I concentrated to pedagogy free time activities. The employed in centre of youth gave me new aspects of pedagogy work. I had the possibility to attend to upbringing more than education ? I had the chance to recognize daily life of nowadays youth ? their hobbies, aims in life etc.

Nostalgic for real pedagogy working carried me back to education process ? that time to the nursery school. I spent in that position wonderful three years. After this time I decided to take occasion to get new experience. I became a principal of that nursery school. I tried to be a manager ? I had to organize school going and lead a group of employees. But I wasn't very happy ? I missed work with children ? I need to educate and up bring them. That's why I would like to get back to teacher's desk.

Except my pedagogical experience I can offer you my wide range of hobbies ? especially in the area of music, theater and arts. I can prepare and lead some of different hobby's activities for children.

I will be very happy if my Curriculum Vitae interest you,

Yours sincerely

Ivy Preschool

Ivy Preschool
Date of Birth: 28. November 1973
Phone number: 111 222 333
Status: Married

Attachment: CV (Resume) Example Preschool Teacher

Preschool Teacher Cover Letter Sample End

Article Field: Training, Education


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