Cover Letter Sample Tester, Test Analyst, Quality Engineer

Cover Letter Sample Tester, Test Analyst, Quality Engineer

Tester, Test Analyst, Test Designer, Quality Engineer - Cover Letter Sample Beginning

Mrs. Judith Pretested
Department of IS Quality Ansurance and Testing
T-Mobile Global
George Bell Street 1

Application for Job Tester, Test Analyst, Test Designer, Quality Engineer

Dear Mrs. Tested,

I would like to react on this way to job position Tester (Quality Engineer) and Test Analyst carried in server on 29th January.

I take it that my present work experience in the area of testing operation systems and software applications destine me for being a suitable candidate for both inserted job positions in your company.

Since 1998 I have been working at different position in the area of testing ? first of all I worked like an IT Freelancer, I worked on myself as a tester with own Trade Certificate. Then I have been employed as a Tester in many other companies (Vodafone, British Airways, Ferrari F1 Team, SAP, Siemens).

My work experience involved all the parts of information systems and software testing: from basic testing, testing strategy fixing, analyzing for testing activity etc. I have experience with application and implementation testing and with unit testing too.

My major is the area of testing applications and inform systems on the Java basis in conjunction with databases instruments of Oracle and Microsoft. My knowledge of J2EE, PL/SQL a T-SQL language is excellent ? I am not afraid to say on the professional level.

I have control over most of commonly used testing tools ? for example SIT, UAT, OAT, Test Processor, Test Robot, Quality Centre, QTP, ISEB, Rational Robot, Test Director, B32. I took part in development of new testing programs for special IS or SW testing in automotive industry and air traffic.

I am trying to still improve my skills and knowledge. I passed out a lot of courses and trainings. I can show you my gained certifications (Test Director Certified Professional, Prince 2, Oracle Professional, J2EE Developer). I have to mention that I am one of the founder members in Tester Association in the USA (AITTUSA).

I hope my professional profile interest you and we will me together in the next part of selection procedure at job interview.

Cordially yours

Niguel Tester

Niguel Tester
Birth: 30. January 1978
Email: niguel-tester@test - lead - analyst. c o m
Phone number: 111 222 333 444
Address: Street of Test Designers 11, Test Town

Attachment: CV (Resume) Example Tester, Test Analyst, Test Designer, Quality Engineer

Tester, Test Analyst, Test Designer, Quality EngineerCover Letter Sample End

Job Description

Article Field: Information Technology and Telecommunication


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